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#219 / Chocolate  Crêpes with cream & banana (V&GF) / チョコレートクレープ バナナ&クリーム添え (ヴィーガン&グルテンフリー)

執筆者の写真: MichieMichie


Chocolate  Crêpes with cream & banana (V&GF) / チョコレートクレープ バナナ&クリーム添え (ヴィーガン&グルテンフリー)
Chocolate  Crêpes with cream & banana (V&GF) / チョコレートクレープ バナナ&クリーム添え (ヴィーガン&グルテンフリー)





























* コーンスターチ大1

* メープルシロップ大1.5

* 植物油大1

* バニラエキストラクト小1/2

* 塩ひとつまみ

* ココナッツミルク120cc


材料 (30cm直径4枚分)


* ココナッツミルク 200cc

* レモン汁 大1/2

* 植物油 大1

* メープルシロップ 大2

* バニラエキストラクト 小1/2


* グルテンフリーミックス 100g

* カカオパウダー 10g


* 米粉 120g

* オーツ粉 90g

* 片栗粉 90g

* ベーキングパウダー 大1

* 塩 小1/4


* バニラクリーム

* バナナ

* チョコレート

* ココナッツファイン


  1. (バニラクリーム) 小鍋にココナッツミルク以外の材料をよく混ぜ合わせ、ココナッツミルクを少しずつ加えてなめらかにする。

  2. 火にかけ、よく混ぜながらとろみがついて、ふつふつ沸いたら火を止める。

  3. (クレープ) WETの材料をボールに合わせ、よく混ぜる。

  4. DRYの材料を加えてよく混ぜる。

  5. フライパンをしっかり熱して油を少量しく。熱くなりすぎないよう、火を止めて調節する。

  6. 液を約50cc程度入れて伸ばし、表面に火が通って乾燥してきたら火を止める。

  7. お好みのトッピングをのせ、折りたたんでお皿にのせる。


This time I made satisfyingly a little bit thicker and larger crepes.

In truth, thin and flaky crepes are said to be the best and to be the true crepes, but this thickly baked crepes are actually delicious. And I like them.

Still they are not pancakes nor tortillas, but they are hearty enough.

For thinner baking, I recommend using a non-stick pan, a cast iron isn’t the best choice.

So if you have a non-stick pan, you can use it. When pour the batter, take the pan and twirl so the batter stretches as far as it can go.

But if you have an only cast iron pan, why not, let's try with it!

If you are used to using an cast iron pan, you know how to use it well, it will work just fine.

If not, but you want to try, follow this ;

Heat the pan very very well and grease oil. Once the smoke starts, heat off immediately, let the pan cool down. Prepare the crepe batter and when it's time to bake, heat again the pan over medium heat.

The key is not to bake it with the too hot pan.

The batter will not stretch well, and will burn quickly.

Both the cream and the crepe are made with coconut milk for a rich taste. Coconut milk can be replaced with soy milk.

Crepes are made with cacao powder.

Add your favorite toppings for a gorgeous crepe.

The variations are endless.

This time I made with vegan vanilla cream, banana, chocolate, and fine coconut.

How about adding peanut butter or sprinkle with nuts? With strawberry jam or raspberry jam? Nutella?

Or just bake it, put it on a plate, then drizzle it with chocolate and it's already outstanding, or serve it with ice cream, or strawberries.

The cocoa crepe and chocolate are of course a perfect match, so just drizzle the chocolate on the crepes right after baking them while they are still hot is already enough to make them wonderful.


(vegan vanilla cream)


* 1 tbsp cornstarch

* 1 tbsp vegetable oil

* 1.5 tbsp maple syrup

* 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

* a pinch salt

* 120cc coconut milk

(chocolate crepe)

Ingredients (30cm * 4 crepes)


* 200cc coconut milk

* 1/2 tbsp lemon juice

* 1 tbsp vegetable oil

* 2 tbsp maple syrup

* 1/2 tsp vanilla extract


* 100g gluten free flour mix

* 10g cacao powder

“V&GF mix”

* 120g white rice flour

* 90g oat flour

* 90g potato starch

* 1 tbsp BP

* 1/4 tsp salt

For decoration

* vanilla cream

* banana

* chocolate

* fine coconut


  1. (Vanilla Cream) In a small saucepan, mix all ingredients except coconut milk well and add coconut milk a little at a time to make a smooth mixture.

  2. Heat the pan over medium heat, stirring frequently, simmer until thickened.

  3. (Crepes) Prepare your frying pan. If it’s a cast iron heat well and grease oil, once hot enough, cool down once. And when the batter is ready, heat again over medium heat. If it’s a non stick pan, just heat and grease a lille bit of oil. At the both case, don’t make the pan too hot when cook a crepe, otherwise the crepe burns immediately.

  4. Whisk WET ingredients in a bowl and mix well.

  5. Add DRY ingredients and whisk well until smooth and well combined.

  6. Pour about 50cc of the batter to the pan. Immediately spread thinly. Or if your pan is non-stick pan, pick up the pan and rotate it to move the batter into a big circle.

  7. Cook until the top looks fairly dry, about 1-2 minutes. Turn off the heat and sprinkle with your fillings.

  8. Fold and place on a plate.

  9. Repeat with the rest of the batter.


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