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#220 / Blueberry Vanilla Mousse(Vegan & Gluten Free) / ブルーベリーとバニラのムース (ヴィーガン&グルテンフリー)

Blueberry Vanilla Mousse(Vegan & Gluten Free)
ブルーベリーとバニラのムース (ヴィーガン&グルテンフリー)
















材料 (底の抜ける12cm丸型)


* デーツ 60g

* アーモンドパウダー 25g

* 塩 ひとつまみ


* カシューナッツ 130g (一晩浸水または15分煮る)

* ココナッツミルク 150cc

* 無香ココナッツオイル 70cc

* メープルシロップ 50cc

* バニラエキストラクト 小1.5

* 塩 ひとつまみ

* ブルーベリー40g

* 無香ココナッツオイル 大1/2

  1. ベースの材料をフードプロセッサーで細かく攪拌し、型にギュッと押しながらしきつめる。

  2. 型を斜めにセットしておく。(動画参照)

  3. ムースの材料をブレンダーにかけてなめらかにする。(途中寒くて固まってしまったら、軽く湯煎すると良い)

  4. 半量を型に流し、冷凍庫で約30分、表面を冷やし固める。

  5. 残りの生地にブルーベリーとココナッツオイルを加えて攪拌し、型に流し入れる。

  6. 冷凍庫で2時間以上、しっかり冷やし固める。

  7. 冷蔵庫で食べやすい固さにもどしてからカットする。


Two-layer mousse of blueberry and vanilla. Vegan & Gluten Free.

Simple ingredients, very easy to make, just put it in a blender. 

Then, all you have to do is wait for it to chill and harden.

To make it look a little more stylish, I tilted the mold and made two layers at an angle.

I think it looks a lot more stylish than the straight shape.

The first layer should be allowed to harden in a freezer for the surface is set, so that when you pour the next layer they don't mix.

After pouring the second layer, allow it to harden for at least 2 hours.

To check if the dough has hardened, gently stick a skewer in the center of the dough.

If the dough sticks to the skewer, it is not yet firm.

But if you don't know, and you remove the dough from the mold before it has hardened, the dough will loosen and spill out at that moment!

In such a case, do not panic and reinsert the mold from the bottom. Scoop out the spilled dough and put it all back into the mold again.

Flatten the surface and put it back in the freezer.

Once it hardens, you can feel that nothing had happened.

So be sure to unmold on a plate.

Decorate it nicely with berries!



Ingredients(12cm round tin with removable bottom)


* 60g dates pitted and cut into small pieces

* 25g almond powder

* a pinch salt


* 130g cashew nuts (soak overnight or boil for 15 minutes)

* 150cc coconut milk

* 70cc refined coconut oil

* 50cc maple syrup

* 1.5 tsp vanilla extract

* a pinch of salt

* 40g blueberries

* 1/2 tbsp refined coconut oil

* some blueberries for decoration


  1. (Base) Blend the base ingredients in a food processor and press tightly the mixture into the mold. 

  2. Set the mold at an angle. (See video)

  3. (Mousse) Blend all the mousse ingredients in a blender until very smooth. (If it gets too cold and hardens during blending, it is better to lightly warm  in a water bath)

  4. Pour half of the mousse mixture into a mold and place in the freezer for about 30 minutes to chill and harden the surface. 

  5. Add blueberries and coconut oil to remaining batter, blend well, and pour into the mold. 

  6. Chill in freezer for more than 2 hours until set. 

  7. Thaw in the refrigerator until soft enough to eat before cutting.

  8. Unmold and decorate with blueberries.


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