“材料” 各150-200cc程度
* タマネギ 40g
* 粒マスタード 小1/2
* 白味噌 大1
* メープルシロップ 大1
* しょうゆ 大2
* 米酢 大2
* 白ごま油 大5
* 今回合わせた食材は、レタス、焼き大根、焼きカブ、ニンジン千切り、アスパラ、カボチャの種
* ニンジン 100g
* タマネギ 30g
* 米酢 大2
* しょうゆ 大2
* メープル 大2
* オリーブオイル 大4
* 今回合わせた食材は、レタス、キヌア、紫タマネギのピクルス、ひよこ豆、マッシュルーム薄切り、クルミ
* メープル 大3
* 米酢 大3
* 白ごま油 大3
* 塩 小1
* 生姜 2片分
* 今回合わせた食材は、茹で蓮根、焼き大根、焼きカボチャ、インゲン、枝豆、ココナッツフレーク
* 小松菜orカブの葉 150g(2分茹でて細かく刻む)
* 酢漬けケッパー 小1.5
* ケッパーの漬け汁 小1.5
* しょうゆ 小1
* 水 大2
* オリーブオイル 大3
* 今回合わせた食材は、レタス、レンズ豆、大根千切り、パプリカ薄切り、カブ薄切り、アーモンド
* ケチャップ 大2
* マヨネーズ 大3
* 粒マスタード 大1/2
* メープル 小1
* 米酢 小1
* 塩 小1/2
* 今回合わせた食材は、レタス、ブロッコリー、パプリカ、アボカド、インゲン、クルミ
I'm a salad fan so much.
If you have delicious vegetables and delicious dressing, you might eat vegetables endlessly.
The good thing about making salads by yourself is that you can decide the amount you want to eat and you can add much nutrition you want.
The advantage of hand-made dressing is that it can be made without preservatives. And you can adjust the oil and salt content.
This time, I'm introducing five types of dressings.
To make it, just blend it.
If you don't have a blender, grate onions and carrots, chop greens.
For salad, you can choose any ingredients you like. Most of them go well with any dressing.
My rule to eat salad deliciously is to always use more than three salad ingredients.
The nutrition becomes much better, and the combination doubles the deliciousness.
And the difference in texture and rich aroma makes the salad much more delicious.
In the coming winter season, let's eat steamed, boiled, or roasted warm vegetables rather than raw vegetables, that will warm your body.
Please eat the ones of the season.
The scent is wonderful if you add herbs such as mint, parsley, coriander, and perilla.
If you add beans, nuts, and seeds, you can get excellent protein.
It is also delicious with tofu or fried tofu.
Adding grains, you will have a well-balanced salad in one plate.
Mix brown rice, barley, bulgur, whole wheat pasta, quinoa, etc.
The variations are endless.
Enjoy your salads!
Ingredients (150-200cc each)
(White miso dressing)
* 40g onion
* 1/2 tsp mustard
* 1 tbsp white miso
* 1 tbsp maple syrup
* 2 tbsp soy sauce
* 2 tbsp rice vinegar
* 5 tbsp white sesame oil
* salad ingredients : lettuce, baked japanese radish, baked turnip, shredded carrot, asparagus, pumpkin seeds
(Carrot dressing)
* 100g carrot
* 30g onion
* 2 tbsp maple syrup
* 2 tbsp soy sauce
* 2 tbsp rice vinegar
* 4 tbsp olive oil
* salad ingredients : lettuce, quinoua, pickled onion, chic peas, sliced mushroom, walnuts
(Ginger dressing)
* 2 pieaces ginger
* 1 tsp salt
* 3 tbsp maple syrup
* 3 tbsp rice vinegar
* 3 tbsp olive oil
* salad ingredients : boiled lotus root, baked japanese radish, baked pumpkin, green beans, edamame beans, coconut flakes
(Green dressing)
* 150g turnip leaves or Japanese mustard spinach (boil for 2 minutes and chopped)
* 1.5 tsp pickled caper
* 1.5 tsp caper pickled juice
* 1 tsp soy sauce
* 2 tbsp water
* 3 tbsp olive oil
* salad ingredients : lettuce, lentils, shredded japanese radish, sliced paprika, sliced turnip, almonds
(Thousand island dressing)
* 2 tbsp kechup
* 3 tbsp mayonnaise
* 1/2 tbsp mustard
* 1 tsp maple syrup
* 1 tsp rice vinegar
* 1/2 tsp salt
* salad ingredients : lettuce, broccoli, sliced paprika, diced avocado, green beans, walnuts