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#89 / Almond pudding & almond sable (Vegan & Gluten free) / アーモンドプリン & アーモンドサブレ(ヴィーガン&グルテンフリー)

執筆者の写真: MichieMichie
















* 生アーモンド 90g (たっぷりの水に入れて8時間以上冷蔵庫で浸水する)

* 水 400cc

* デーツ 40g (種をとったもの)


* 葛粉 30g

* 水 50cc

* アーモンドミルク 400cc

* バニラエキストラクト 小1/2


* アーモンドパルプ 100g

* ドライハーブ 大1

* 米粉 大1

* 塩 小1/4

* メープルシロップ 大1/2

* オリーブオイル 大2


1. (アーモンドミルクとアーモンドパルプ)アーモンドの水を切ってよく洗い、皮をむく。

2. 分量の水とデーツを加えブレンダーにかけ、さらし布で濾し、よく絞る。

3. アーモンドパルプを取り出す。

4. (アーモンドプリン)鍋に葛粉を水で溶き、アーモンドミルクとバニラを加える。

5. 鍋を火にかけ、絶えずかき混ぜながら、沸騰してとろみがつくまで、3-5分加熱する。

6. 器に流し入れ、冷蔵庫で冷やす。(熱々でもおいしい)

7. メープルシロップをかけ、シナモンをふる。

8. (アーモンドサブレ)材料をボールに入れて合わせる。

9. クッキングシートの上に生地を乗せ、上からもクッキングシートではさみ、綿棒で厚さ5-7mm程度に伸ばす。角もしっかり押して崩れないようにする。

10. お好みの大きさにカットする。

11. 180度に予熱したオーブンで15分焼き、取り出して裏返し、再度180度で15分焼く。


First of all, let's make almond milk.

Many commercially available almond milks contain preservatives, so it's much more wonderful to make at home. And delicious.

This time, I made almond milk with many dates to use it for a dessert, but if you drink it as just alone or put it in coffee, you can make it without dates. Or 2 dates are enough for drink.

After making almond milk, keep it in the fridge and drink in about 2 days. (That's what it really means to be fresh.)

Almond pudding, which is hardened with arrowroot powder, has a nice elastic texture. If you like softness, you can reduce the arrowroot powder a little.

The sweetness is modest, so please use maple syrup as you like.

To squeeze almond milk, I used a cotton bag, but you can use a cloth or strong paper towels, if you can squeeze tightly.

Normally getting almond milk is the reason to make this. But actually, this sable is so delicious that the main reason to make it is for almond pulp.

It is a crispy and fragrant sable.

You might not stop eating. I wish you agree with me.

Herbs should be definitely included in the sable.

You can mix it with rosemary, thyme, oregano, as you like. I used Herbes de Provence, the Provence classic herb mixture with about 4 kinds of herbs.

But it's also fun to add cumin or turmeric if you like.



(Almond milk & Almond pulp)

* 90g raw almonds (soak in plenty of water overnight (about 8 hours) in a fridge)

* 400cc water

* 40g dates (pitted)

(Almond pudding)

* 30g arrowroot starch

* 50cc water

* 400cc almond milk

* 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

(Almond sable)

* 100g almond pulp

* 1 tbsp dry herbs

* 1 tbsp rice flour

* 1/4 tsp salt

* 1/2 tbsp maple syrup

* 2 tbsp olive oil



1. (Almond milk & Almond pulp) Drain the almonds, wash well and peel.

2. Add the almonds, water and dates in a blender, blend well, strain with a cloth, and squeeze as much as possible.

3. Remove the almond pulp from the cloth. Set aside.

4. (Almond pudding) Dissolve arrowroot powder in a pan with water and add almond milk and vanilla.

5. Heat the pan in the medium heat, stirring constantly (very important), for 3-5 minutes until it boils and thickens.

6. Pour into a glasses and cool in the fridge. (even hot is also delicious)

7. Pour maple syrup and sprinkle with cinnamon as your preference.

8. (Almond sable)Put the ingredients in a bowl and mix well.

9. Place the dough on the parchment paper. Put another parchment paper on the dough, and stretch it into a thickness of about 5-7 mm with a rolling pin. Press firmly on the corners too to prevent them from being crumbled.

10. Cut into the size you like.

11. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes. Once put it out and, turn over and bake again at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.


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