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#97 / vegan mini scones / ヴィーガン ミニスコーン (乳卵不使用)

執筆者の写真: MichieMichie


ヴィーガン スコーン


















調理時間 : 40分 / 難易度 : 中くらい




* 薄力粉 50g

* 葛粉 大1

* BP 小1/2

* 砂糖 大1/2

* 塩ひとつまみ


* 豆乳 大2

* 無香ココナッツオイル(溶かす)大2

* リンゴ酢 小1/2

* レーズン 15g (洗って水気を取る)




* 薄力粉 50g

* 葛粉 大1

* BP 小1/2

* 砂糖 大1/2

* 塩 ひとつまみ

* 抹茶 小1


* 豆乳 大2

* 無香ココナッツオイル(溶かす)大2

* リンゴ酢 小1/2

* 甘納豆 25g




* 薄力粉 45g

* 葛粉 大1

* BP 小1/2

* 砂糖 大1/2

* 塩 ひとつまみ

* ココアパウダー 大1


* 豆乳 大2

* 無香ココナッツオイル(溶かす)大2

* リンゴ酢 小1/2

* チョコチップ 15g




* 薄力粉 50g

* 葛粉 大1

* BP 小1/2

* 砂糖 大1/2

* 塩 ひとつまみ

* ストロベリーパウダー 小1


* 豆乳 大2

* 無香ココナッツオイル(溶かす)大2

* リンゴ酢 小1/2

* ドライブルーベリー 10g (洗って水気を取る)


1. オーブンを180℃に予熱する。

2. ボールに粉類を入れて泡立て器でダマのないように混ぜる。

3. 別の器にWETの材料を急いで混ぜ合わせ、すぐに粉類に加え、レーズンも加える。

4. ヘラでさっくり混ぜる(混ぜすぎない)。

5. 全体がボロボロしている状態でもよいので天板に取り出し、カードを使ってギュッと押し、10cm四方、2cm高さ程度にまとめる。

6. 4等分にカットし、180℃のオーブンで20分焼く。


Yes, as you’ve already known, I love scones.

This time, I wanted to make scones for my nephews, who immediately come into the kitchen whenever I make some sweets.

The scones are small and cute.

I don't want my nephews to take in too much sugar, even if they eat too much.

And so the scones became very low in sugar.

Thanks to this, you can easily feel the aroma of ingredients such as raisins or green tea.

The texture of this scone is both soft and crunchy.

You can enjoy the slight sweetness of raisins or sweet beans, so try tasting them as they are at first. If the sweetness is still not enough, you can put jam or maple syrup to it.

The key to making this is to melt the coconut oil with a double bath to make it hot, and keep the rest of the ingredients chilled.

In winter, you can make it without worrying about anything, but if in the hot season, please refrigerate everything except the coconut oil.

The coconut oil will harden while you are mixing, so work quickly.

Mix the liquid as quickly as you can and add it to the dry mixture as quickly as you can. If it starts to harden when you add it to the flour, that's OK.

If it hardens while you are mixing the liquid, melt it by putting the bowl in a hot water.

The video shows two different ways to make it, but there are four recipes.

Just add matcha or cacao powder to the dry mixture and replace the raisins with your favorite ingredients.

However, the amount of flour, matcha and other ingredients are slightly different, so please refer to the ingredients.


Cooks in 40 min / Difficulty : medium

Ingredients (4 scones)

”Plain scone with raisins”


* 50g cake flour

* 1 tbsp arrowroot powder

* 1/2 tsp baking powder

* 1/2 tbsp sugar

* a pinch of salt


* 2 tbsp soy milk

* 2 tbsp refined coconut oil (melted)

* 1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar

* 15g raisins

”Matcha scone with sweet red beans”


* 50g cake flour

* 1 tbsp arrowroot powder

* 1/2 tsp baking powder

* 1/2 tbsp sugar

* a pinch of salt

* 1 tsp matcha powder


* 2 tbsp soy milk

* 2 tbsp refined coconut oil (melted)

* 1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar

* 25g cooked sweet red beans

”Cocoa scone with chocolate chips”


* 45g cake flour

* 1 tbsp arrowroot powder

* 1/2 tsp baking powder

* 1/2 tbsp sugar

* a pinch of salt

* 1 tbsp cacao powder


* 2 tbsp soy milk

* 2 tbsp refined coconut oil (melted)

* 1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar

* 15g chocolate chips

”Strawberry scone with dry blueberries”


* 50g cake flour

* 1 tbsp arrowroot powder

* 1/2 tsp baking powder

* 1/2 tbsp sugar

* a pinch of salt

* 1 tsp strawberry powder


* 2 tbsp soy milk

* 2 tbsp refined coconut oil (melted)

* 1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar

* 10g dry blueberries


1. Preheat the oven to 180°C

2. In a medium bowl, combine the DRY ingredients and mix well with a whisk.

3. In a separate bowl, mix the WET ingredients hastily and immediately add to the flour mixture, then add the raisins.

4. Mix quickly with a spatula until almost combined (do not over mix).

5. Transfer the dough onto a baking tray lined with parchment paper.

6. Press until the whole dough sticks together, make it about 10cm square and 2cm high.

7. Cut into quarters and bake in the oven at 180°C for 20 minutes.


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