ヴィーガン ラーメン(2人分)
* 昆布 5cm
* 干し椎茸 小2個
* 切り干し大根 5g
* 水 1000cc
* タマネギ 小1/4 個
* ニンニク 2片
* ショウガ 1片
* ニンジン 2cm角
* ネギ 15cm
* 醤油 大2
* みりん 大2
* 胡麻油 大2/3
* 車麩 1個
* 醤油 大1/2
* みりん 大1
* 片栗粉 少々
* 植物油 少々
* 醤油 大1.5
1. 昆布、干し椎茸、切り干し大根を、1000ccの水に入れ、冷蔵庫に一晩おく。
2. 1を鍋に入れ、タマネギ、ニンニク、ショウガ、ニンジン、ネギを加えて火にかけ、沸いたら弱火で30-40分煮る。
3. 2を濾し、スープは鍋に戻してスープ用調味料で味付けする。だしガラは1cm角に刻む。
4. 車麩をたっぷりの湯に5−10分入れてもどし、水気をよくしぼり、4等分する。
5. 車麩用の醤油とみりんを合わせた中につけ、汁を全て吸わせる。
6. 片栗粉を両面にまぶし、植物油を熱したフライパンで両面キツネ色になるまで焼く。
7. そのままフライパンに刻んだだしガラと醤油を加えて煮汁がなくなるまで煮詰める。
8. 麺を茹でる。
9. スープを器に盛り、麺、車麩、お好みの野菜を盛りつける。
I rarely go to eat ramen since I became vegan.
Recently, many vegan ramen restaurants have opened.
Once I went to eat vegan ramen. At first I was shocked by the richness of the taste. I thought it was more delicious than the ordinary ramen.
A few years later, I went there again and tried the same ramen. But this time I couldn't eat it because it was too oily and salty for me.
Yes, I have changed, my mouth has changed as a result of being vegan for several years.
At that time, I noticed the big difference between eating out and homemade meals.
Restaurants may pursue the taste and give you an exciting experience.
But the true joy that lasts forever is with the happiness of the body and mind.
Let's make home made ramen.
Homemade meals give you happiness both physically and mentally.
It is possible to have a delicious and guilty-free meal.
Vegan ramen (for 2 persons)
(vegetable broth)
* 5cm square kombu (kelp)
* 2 dried shiitake mushrooms
* 5g dried Japanese radish
* 1000cc water
* 1/4 onion
* 2 cloves of garlic
* A piece of ginger
* 15cm green onion
* 2cm square carrot
(seasoning for soup)
* 2 tbsp soy sauce
* 2 tbsp mirin
* 2/3 tbsp sesame oil
(Fried kurumafu)
* 1 kurumafu (dried wheat gluten)
* 1/2 tbsp soy sauce
* 1 tbsp mirin
* Some potato starch
* Some vegetable oil
(Seasoning for vegetables boiled in soy sauce)
* 1.5 soy sauce
1. (Soup) Soak kombu, dried shiitake mushrooms and dried Japanese radish in 1000cc of water overnight in a fridge to rehydrate. Put them into a deep pan. Add onion, garlic, ginger, carrot, and green onion. Heat the pan, and when boiled, reduce the heat. Simmer for 30-40 minutes. Strain the broth. Cut all the vegetables into 1cm square (for food boiled in soy sauce ) Bring broth back to boil in a deep pan. Add the seasoning of soup,
2. (Fried kurumafu) Soak kurumafu in more than 300cc water and leave it for 5-10 minutes to rehydrate. Once rehydrated, squeese well the water and cut into 4 pieces. Combine soy sauce and mirin and soak the kurumafu until they absorb all of the liquid. Put potato starch on kurumafu. Heat vegetable oil on a frying pan and saute the kurumafu until both sides are golden. Put out kurumafu from the frying pan and set aside.
3. (Vegetable boiled in soy sauce) Use the frying pan without washing, put cut vegetables from vegetable stock and soy sauce. Sauce until all liquid has gone.
4. Boil the noodles. After that, drain well.
5. Pour the soup, put the noodles on a bowl and top with fried kurumafu and cooked vegetables you prefer.