全粒粉 40g
薄力粉 40g
葛粉 20g
塩 少々
ベーキングパウダー 小1
豆乳 60cc
メープルシロップ 大1
ココアバター 40g
ココナツオイル (無香) 30g
塩 少々
バニラエキストラクト 小1/4
粉砂糖 大1
1. ボールにドライの材料を入れて泡立て器で混ぜる。
2. ウェットの材料を加えてさっくり混ぜる。
3. 手を水で軽く濡らし、生地の1/5を取り丸める。真ん中に穴を開け、ドーナツ状に広げる。
4. 10cm角にカットしたクッキングシートの上にのせる。残りも同様に作る。
5. 180度の油で両面色づくまで揚げる。
6. 別のボールにホワイトチョコレートの材料を加えて混ぜ、冷蔵庫で3分冷やす。
7. 取り出してよく撹拌し、ドーナツをコーティングする。
8. お好みでブラックチョコレートをかけてもよい。
A cute and happy taste, donuts may be loved by everyone from children to adults.
This time, I’m decorating the donuts with chocolate, so I cool down the donuts. But it's delicious even you eat as soon as you fry them without any decoration.
It contains only 1 tbsp of maple syrup, so the sweetness is really modest.
If you're not satisfied, sprinkle with maple syrup or cinnamon sugar, whatever you like.
White chocolate usually contains milk.
I used powdered sugar to make it whiter, but you can replace it with maple syrup.
If it gets too cold, it will harden, so please make it watching carefully.
This time, I simply decorated it with black chocolate. But sprinkling Alazan or silver sugar is also beautiful.
I recommend to eat this donut on the day.
If you want to eat the next day, warm it with a toaster without chocolate coating.
Vegan donuts (5 small size donuts)
(Donut dough)
* 40g whole wheat flour
* 40g all purpose flour
* 20g arrowroot starch
* A pinch of salt
* 1 tsp baking powder
* 60cc soy milk
* 1 tbsp maple syrup
(White chocolate)
* 40g cocoa butter (melted)
* 30g coconut oil (melted)
* A pinch salt
* 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
* 1 tbsp powdered sugar
1. Preheat oil to 180 C in a pot.
2. Whisk together the dry ingredients.
3. Add the wet ingredients to the bowl and mix (don’t overmix).
4. Lightly moisten your hands with water. Tear off 1/5 of the dough and round it.
5. Make a hole in the middle and spread it out.
6. Place it on a parchment paper cut into10 cm square. Make the rest in the same way.
7. Let the doughnuts fry in the pot for 1 to 2 minutes, flip and cook 1 to 2 minutes more, until golden brown on both sides and puffy.
8. Add the white chocolate ingredients to another bowl, mix and chill in the fridge for 3 minutes.
9. Remove the bowl from the fridge and stir well.
10. Coat the donuts with the white chocolate.
11. You can sprinkle black chocolate if you like.