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#54 / YouTube recipe “Vegan petit lemon cakes” / ”ヴィーガン 小さな二つのレモンケーキ”

執筆者の写真: MichieMichie















* 米粉 100g

* ベーキングパウダー 小1

* 塩 ひとつまみ

(* レモン皮すりおろし お好みで)


* 豆乳 70g

* レモン絞り汁 大2

* 植物油 大2

* メープルシロップ 大2

(* オレンジピールor レモンピール お好みで)



* 全粒粉or薄力粉 80g

* アーモンドプードル 60g

* ベーキングパウダー 小1

* 塩 ひとつまみ

(* レモン皮すりおろし お好みで)


* 豆乳ヨーグルト 80cc

* レモン絞り汁 大2

* 植物油 大2

* メープルシロップ 大2

(* クルミ お好みで)


1. (レモン蒸しケーキ)蒸し器の蓋に布を巻き(水滴がケーキに落ちないため)、蒸し器の蒸気をあげておく。

2. DRYの材料をボールに混ぜる。

3. 別の器でよく混ぜたWETの材料をボールに加え、まんべんなく混ぜる。

4. 型に流し入れ、お好みでピールを飾り、15分蒸す。

5. (レモン焼きケーキ)オーブンを180度に予熱する。

6. DRYの材料をボールに混ぜる。

7. 別の器でよく混ぜたWETの材料をボールに加え、まんべんなく混ぜる。

8. 型に流し入れ、お好みでクルミを飾り、180度のオーブンで20分焼く。


A very simple steamed cake and baked cake with a refreshing lemon scent.

The ingredients for these two cakes are almost the same.

The way to make it is also almost the same.

Vegan sweets are really easy to make.

Try using lemon zest if it doesn't have pesticides or fungicides.

And the scent of lemon is so refleshing.

If you are using a bottle of lemon juice, you can omit the zest.

About sweetness.

I use as little sugar as possible and use maple syrup instead.

Maple syrup, which is harder to raise blood sugar than sugar and contains minerals and vitamins. It is also recommended because of its gentle sweetness.

If you don't want strong taste of maple syrup, try using delicate taste, light color maple syrup.

It's delicious to eat as soon as you make it, but if you want to eat them the next day, you can reheat it in the microwave for 20 seconds or in a toaster to make it fluffy.


“Vegan petit lemon cakes”


(Steamed lemon cake, 6 small muffin molds)


* 100g rice flour

* 1 tsp baking powder

* a pinch of salt

(Optional * lemon zest)


* 70cc soy milk

* 2 tbsp lemon juice

* 2 tbsp vegetable oil

* 2 tbsp maple syrup

(Optional * candied lemon peel or candied orange peel)

(Baked lemon cake, 7 small muffin molds)


* 80g rice flour

* 60g almond powder

* 1 tsp baking powder

* a pinch of salt

(Optional * lemon zest)


* 80cc soy yogurt

* 2 tbsp lemon juice

* 2 tbsp vegetable oil

* 2 tbsp maple syrup

(Optional * walnuts)



1. (Lemon steamed cake) Wrap a cloth around the lid of the steamer (so that water droplets do not fall on the cakes) and boil the steamer.

2. Mix the DRY ingredients in a large bowl.

3. Add the well-mixed WET ingredients to the bowl and mix evenly.

4. Pour into a mold, decorate with candied peel if you like, and steam for 15 minutes.

5. (Lemon-baked cake) Preheat the oven to 180C.

6. Mix the DRY ingredients in a bowl.

7. Add the well-mixed WET ingredients to the bowl and mix evenly.

8. Pour into a mold, decorate with walnuts if you like, and bake in the oven at 180C for 20 minutes.


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