中華の蒸しパン"花巻"は、ふんわり優しい甘さの蒸しパン。 そこへ味噌味の野菜を巻き込んだ、お食事蒸しパンにしました。 蒸したての熱々を頬張るのが幸せ。 冷めたらもう一度軽く蒸すか、レンジで温めてくださいね。
The name "Hanamaki" comes from its shape, such as flower face rolling petals. It's a soft and slightly sweet chinese style bread. With miso taste, it becomes lovely asian taste. To eat hot as soon as steamed is the best.
* ゴボウ(みじん切り)60g (1/2本)
* ニンジン(みじん切り)30g (1/3本)
* ネギ(みじん切り)30g (15cm)
* ごま油 大1/2
* 味噌 大2
* みりん 大2
* 中力粉、全粒粉 合わせて200g
* 砂糖 大3
* 塩 小1/2
* ベーキングパウダー 小1
* ドライイースト 小1
* 植物油 小1
* ぬるま湯 100cc
1. フライパンにごま油を熱し、ゴボウ、ニンジン、ネギを炒める。
2. しんなりしたら、味噌とみりんを加えて絡め、粗熱をとる。
3. ボールに花巻生地の材料を入れてよくこね、濡れ布巾をかぶせて10分休ませる。
4. 台に打ち粉をし生地を取り出して厚み1cmに伸ばす。
5. 生地に具を乗せて広げ、端から巻き、12等分し、20分休ませる。
6. シリコンカップに入れ (または濡れ布巾やクッキングシートの上に置いてもよい)、蒸し器で15-20分蒸す。
Vegan steamed bread "hanamaki"
-Burdock miso-
* 60g burdock root(chopped)
* 30g carrot (chopped)
* 30g leek (chopped)
* 1/2 tbsp sesame oil
* 2 tbsp miso
* 2 tbsp mirin (if you don't have "mirin", use 1 tbsp of sugar and 1 tbsp of wine)
-Hanamaki douh-
* 200g flour (all purpose flour and whole wheat flour)
* 3 tbsp sugar
* 1/2 tsp salt
* 1 tsp baking powder
* 1 tsp dry yeast
* 1 tsp vegetable oil
* 100cc warm water
1. Heat the sesame oil in a frying pan, add the burdock root, carrot, and leek. Cook until they are soften stirring occasionally.
2. Add the mixture of miso and mirin, mix until well combined, and set aside.
3. In a large bowl, combine dry ingredients of hanamaki dough. Stir in warm water and oil. Mix and knead until it becomes a smooth dough.
4. Put the wet towel above the bowl and rest for about 10 minutes.
5. On a lightly floured surface, roll the dough to a 1cm thickness.
6. Spread the miso mixture on the dough, wind it from the edge, divide it into 12 portions, and rest them for about 20 minutes.
7. Put them into silicone cups (or you can put them on a wet cloth or parchment paper), steam for 15-20 minutes.