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#50 / YouTube recipe “Vegan tarte flambee” / ”ヴィーガン タルトフランベ(タマネギのピザ風)”

執筆者の写真: MichieMichie
















* 木綿豆腐 80g

* 白味噌 大1

* リンゴ酢or米酢 小1

* 塩 ふたつまみ

* ココナッツオイル 大2


* マスタード 小1/4

* 塩 小1/4

* リンゴ酢or米酢 大1.5

* オリーブオイル 大3


* クルミ 1/2カップ

* メープルシロップ 大1


* 中力粉 150g

* 塩 少々

* ぬるま湯 75cc

* オリーブオイル 大1

* サラダ(レタス、カブ、ビーツを今回は使います)


1. (豆腐クリームチーズ風)材料をブレンダーにかけてクリーム状にする。冷蔵庫で冷やしておく。

2. (ドレッシング)材料を混ぜる。

3. (メープルウォールナッツ)クルミとメープルをフライパンに入れて火にかけ、焦げないように注意しながら、クルミにメープルがからんでさらっとしてくるまで弱火で炒める。

4. (タルト)ボールにタルト生地の材料を入れて、なめらかになるまでこねる(5分程度)。蓋をして30分〜1時間程度ねかせる。

5. オーブンに天板を入れ、260度に予熱する。

6. クッキングペーパーの上に生地を取り出し、綿棒で1~2mmほどに薄く(20*30cm程度)伸ばす。

7. 生地の上に豆腐ウリームチーズを塗り、タマネギとマッシュルームを散らし、塩コショウ、オリーブオイルをふる。

8. オーブンから天板を取り出し(火傷に注意)、クッキングペーパーごと生地をのせ、260度のオーブンで約10分、生地が色づくまで焼く。

9. 焼けたらオーブンから取り出し、お好みの大きさにカットする。

10. (サラダ)お好みの野菜に豆腐クリームチーズ、クルミをのせ、ドレッシングをかける。


Tarte flambée is a local specialty of the Alsace region or southern Germany, applied cream or fresh cheese to a thin pizza-like dough, topped such as onions and bacon, and baked . "Tarte flambée" is French. Also known as "Framkuchen" in German.

Various toppings are available. Someone ferments the dough, someone not, but I chose the no ferment way as I thought why don't we cook it with the easiest way.

So it's really easy. The ingredients is also very simple.

I made the tart ingredients simplest, but please try various ingredients as you like.

The cream is made with tofu in a cream cheese style.

You can also put it in a salad or spread it on bread or dip with stick vegetables etc.

This time I used 3/4 of the cream for the tart and 1/4 for the salad. Of course you can use all for the tart.

The maple walnuts that accompany the salad are delicious as they are for a snack.

If you eat them with a salad, the crunchy texture is irresistibly delicious.

All of these are simple recipes, and they are all fun to use for many ways.


“Vegan tarte flambee”


(Tofu cream cheese)

* 80g firm tofu

* 1 tbsp white miso

* 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar

* 1/8 tsp pinch of salt

* 2 tbsp coconut oil


* 1/4 tsp mustard

* 1/4 tsp salt

* 1.5 tbsp apple cider vinegar

* 3 tbsp olive oil

(Maple walnuts)

* 100cc walnuts

* 1 tbsp maple syrup

(Tart dough)

* 150g all purpose flour

* a pinch of salt

* 75cc warm water

* 1 tbsp olive oil

* some salad (I use lettuce, turnip, beetroot)



1. (Tofu cream cheese) Blend the ingredients in a blender until creamy. Keep it in the refrigerator.

2. (Dressing) Mix the ingredients.

3. (Maple walnuts) Put the walnuts and maple syrup in a frying pan and heat them. Fry on low heat until the maple syrup is entwined with the walnuts and becomes dry, being careful not to burn them.

4. (Tart) Put the tart dough ingredients in a middle bowl and knead until smooth (about 5 minutes). Cover and let sit for 30-60 minutes.

5. Place the oven plate in the oven and preheat the oven to 260C.

6. Put the dough on the parchment paper and roll the dough out thinly (into about 1 to 2 mm thin and about 20 * 30 cm size) with a rolling pin.

7. Spread tofu cream cheese over the dough, Scatter over the onion and mushrooms, sprinkle with salt, pepper and olive oil.

8. Put out the oven plate from the oven (be careful not to get burned), slide the tart with the parchment paper onto the plate, and bake for about 10 minutes until the edges are golden. Cut them into portions. 

9. (Salad) Sprinkle tofu cream cheese and walnuts on your favorite salad with the dressing.

10. Serve immediately while tart is hot.


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